Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Energy News Digest for August 31, 2010

All the links in today’s news digest lead to current stories. Please note that some media organizations update their web sites regularly, which may result in broken links in the future.

To subscribe, email jmyer@masonpud3.org


BPA Won’t Reconsider Pearl Route as Alternative for SW Washington Power Line (Longview Daily News, WA)

Once-In-A-Century Salmon Run Hits Canada’s West Coast (Reuters)

John Deere Sells Wind Energy Business, to Exelon Subsidiary for $900 Million (Minneapolis Star, MN)

Port Angeles - Nippon Manager Describes Plans for Biomass Generator (Peninsula Daily News, Port Angeles, WA)

US Finding Expected On Chinese Aluminum Exports (Associated Press)


  • BPA Won’t Reconsider Pearl Route as Alternative for SW Washington Power Line
  • Energy Rate Increase Could Impact Clallam PUD Customers
  • Pacific Power Rate Hike - Washington State Panel Solicits Comments
  • Mason County PUD 3 Holding Hearing on Integrated Resource Plan Tuesday
  • Spokane - SNAP Smooths Process for Helping With Heating Bills
  • Pacific Gas & Electric PG&E Pushes ‘Pumped Hydro’ for Energy Storage
  • Department of Agriculture to Issue $1.2 Billion in Loans to Rural Electric Coops
  • Colorado Regulators Hold Hearings On Xcel Smart Grid
  • Energy Use Is Way Down - But Wind Surges
  • Nuclear Industry Takes New Path for New Plants
  • EPA to decide whether coal ash is hazardous waste
  • New York - Yahoo! seeks low-cost hydropower
  • Deregulation - Changes Jolt Small Utilities
  • How Nigeria’s Plan to Privatize Its Electricity Company Could Light Up Africa
  • Once-In-A-Century Salmon Run Hits Canada’s West Coast
  • Canada - Surprising Salmon Run Masks an Industry in Crisis
  • Non-Profits, Agencies Pooling Resources to Save Salmon in Northwest
  • Salmon & Mining - A Mind-Boggling Alaska Mine
  • Con Edison Goes ‘Lights Out’ for NYC Audubon Campaign to Save Birds
  • Special Adhesive Helps Oysters Stick Together
  • Guide to Tell Water Health of Puget Sound
  • Op/Ed -Puget Sound Partnership Should Prioritize Environmental Benefit, Not Politics
  • Clallam PUD Approves Sewer System Plan for Carlsborg
  • Study Says Unhealthy Air in Fairbanks Linked to Rise in Hospital Visits
  • John Deere Sells Wind Energy Business, to Exelon Subsidiary for $900 Million
  • Port Angeles - Nippon Manager Describes Plans for Biomass Generator
  • Wisconsin - Biomass Assessment Vague On Emissions, Jobs, Traffic
  • Coal to Wood Pellets - FirstEnergy Cleared for $200 Million Ohio Biomass Project
  • Biomass Heat is Not Coal
  • North Carolina - Backers of Waste for Energy Challenge Renewables Provision
  • $147,000 Grant to Promote Biomass Energy Conservation
  • Green Energy: Why We’re Still Not Using It
  • Oregon Couple Plan Home Wind Turbines, Need City OK
  • Renewable Energy Kiosk; The Newest Creation at Franklin PUD
  • Hybrid Turbine: For When the Wind Doesn’t Blow
  • The Federal Policy Landscape Is Now More Favorable to Wind Energy than at Any Other Time in the Past Decade
  • Cash Grant That Propped Up Alternative Power Due to Expire
  • Wind Energy Gets Huge Subsidies - So Where Are the Carbon Dioxide Reductions?
  • Editorial - Just How Dirty Is Wind Power?
  • Renewable Portfolio Standards Work, But at What Cost?
  • Small/Low Impact Hydropower Program
  • Conn. One of Top Green Power Purchasers
  • Kansas City - Utility Programs Succeed in Cooling Off Summertime Demand for Electricity
  • Report: Climate Science Panel Needs Change at Top
  • Virginia Case Against Climate Researcher Is Rejected
  • Op/Ed - Climate Change: At Least Science Admits Its Errors
  • As India Looks at Cutting Carbon, A Wind Farm Scandal
  • Friends of the Earth Urges End to ‘Land Grab’ for Biofuels
  • Hygroelectricity: Possible New Energy Source
  • Nissan Starts Selling All-Electric Leaf Sedan Today
  • Pedal Power Takes Off as Exercise Produces Electricity
  • Whole Lotta Love for Zeppelins - A new-generation airship is visiting Puget Sound
  • How the FCC Can Best Regulate the Internet
  • Newsflash: Cable/Telcos Write Telecom Law
  • New Cables Tie West Africa Closer to Internet
  • Google Offers Respite from Inbox Overload
  • This Week Is a Coming-Out Party for Android Tablets
  • Where States Get Their Money
  • Senator Patty Murray Visits Whatcom County Today
  • Moving Benton County Seat Could Cost $3.5 Million
  • US Finding Expected On Chinese Aluminum Exports
  • Washington Schools Superintendent to Name Failing Schools
  • Morton Parents Protest Return of Teacher, Pull Kids from His Classes


Regale • \ruh-GAIL\ • verb - 1: to entertain sumptuously: to feast with delicacies 2: to give pleasure or amusement to

The clueless participants in the high-pressure, no money down real estate seminar were regaled with numerous stories from the slick, well-oiled presenter about how he had scammed hundreds of unsuspecting homeowners from their hard earned money. Regaled, that is, until one sharp participant realized he had just plunked down $2,000 of his hard-earned money to participate in a worthless real estate seminar scam.



BPA Won’t Reconsider Pearl Route as Alternative for SW Washington Power Line (Longview Daily News, WA)

Energy Rate Increase Could Impact Clallam PUD Customers (Sequim Gazette, WA)

Pacific Power Rate Hike - Washington State Panel Solicits Comments (Yakima Herald Republic, WA)

Mason County PUD 3 Holding Hearing on Integrated Resource Plan Tuesday (KMAS Radio, Shelton, WA)

Spokane - SNAP Smooths Process for Helping With Heating Bills (Spokesman-Review, Spokane, WA)

Pacific Gas & Electric PG&E Pushes ‘Pumped Hydro’ for Energy Storage (CNET News)

Department of Agriculture to Issue $1.2 Billion in Loans to Rural Electric Coops - Montana: Big Flat Electric Co-Op to get $2,177,000 guaranteed loan (Electric Marketing Livewire)

Colorado Regulators Hold Hearings On Xcel Smart Grid - Since project in Boulder was announced in 2008, its costs have nearly tripled from initial estimates (Associated Press)

Energy Use Is Way Down - But Wind Surges (CNN Money)

Nuclear Industry Takes New Path for New Plants (Associated Press)

EPA to decide whether coal ash is hazardous waste (USA Today)

New York - Yahoo! seeks low-cost hydropower (Business First of Buffalo, NY)

Deregulation - Changes Jolt Small Utilities (Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier, IA)

How Nigeria’s Plan to Privatize Its Electricity Company Could Light Up Africa (Christian Science Monitor)


Once-In-A-Century Salmon Run Hits Canada’s West Coast (Reuters)

Canada - Surprising Salmon Run Masks an Industry in Crisis (Globe & Mail)

Non-Profits, Agencies Pooling Resources to Save Salmon in Northwest (Oregon Public Radio)

Salmon & Mining - A Mind-Boggling Alaska Mine (Seattle Post-Intelligencer)

Con Edison Goes ‘Lights Out’ for NYC Audubon Campaign to Save Birds (Electric Energy Online)

Special Adhesive Helps Oysters Stick Together (NY Times)


Guide to Tell Water Health of Puget Sound (News Tribune, Tacoma, WA)

Op/Ed -Puget Sound Partnership Should Prioritize Environmental Benefit, Not Politics (Seattle Times)

Clallam PUD Approves Sewer System Plan for Carlsborg (Peninsula Daily News, Port Angeles, WA)

Study Says Unhealthy Air in Fairbanks Linked to Rise in Hospital Visits (Anchorage News Miner, AK)


John Deere Sells Wind Energy Business, to Exelon Subsidiary for $900 Million (Minneapolis Star, MN)

Port Angeles - Nippon Manager Describes Plans for Biomass Generator (Peninsula Daily News, Port Angeles, WA)

Wisconsin - Biomass Assessment Vague On Emissions, Jobs, Traffic (Wausau Daily Herald, WI)

Coal to Wood Pellets - FirstEnergy Cleared for $200 Million Ohio Biomass Project (Brighter Energy)

Biomass Heat is Not Coal (Renewable Energy World)

North Carolina - Backers of Waste for Energy Challenge Renewables Provision (Triangle Business Journal)

$147,000 Grant to Promote Biomass Energy Conservation (The Telegram, Worchester, MA)

Green Energy: Why We’re Still Not Using It “…Hydro power & nuclear power cost about the same amount. Both are more expensive than traditional electric plants…” WTF? (SF Chronicle)

Oregon Couple Plan Home Wind Turbines, Need City OK (KVAL-TV, Eugene, OR)

Renewable Energy Kiosk; The Newest Creation at Franklin PUD (KNDO-TV, Tri-Cities, WA)

Hybrid Turbine: For When the Wind Doesn’t Blow (Smart Planet)

The Federal Policy Landscape Is Now More Favorable to Wind Energy than at Any Other Time in the Past Decade (REVE)

Cash Grant That Propped Up Alternative Power Due to Expire (Associated Press)

Wind Energy Gets Huge Subsidies - So Where Are the Carbon Dioxide Reductions? “...Because the wind is not dependable, electric utilities must either keep their conventional power plants running all the time…or they must continually ramp up & down the output from conventional coal- or gas-fired generators…” (Energy Tribune)

Editorial - Just How Dirty Is Wind Power? (Las Vega Review-Journal, NV)

Renewable Portfolio Standards Work, But at What Cost? (Renewable Energy World)

Small/Low Impact Hydropower Program (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission)

Conn. One of Top Green Power Purchasers (WSFB-TV, Hartford, CT)


Kansas City - Utility Programs Succeed in Cooling Off Summertime Demand for Electricity (Kansas City Star, MO)


Report: Climate Science Panel Needs Change at Top (Associated Press)

Virginia Case Against Climate Researcher Is Rejected (Associated Press)

Op/Ed - Climate Change: At Least Science Admits Its Errors (News Tribune, Tacoma, WA)

As India Looks at Cutting Carbon, A Wind Farm Scandal (Christian Science Monitor)


Friends of the Earth Urges End to ‘Land Grab’ for Biofuels (The Guardian, UK)

Hygroelectricity: Possible New Energy Source (Epoch Times)

Pedal Power Takes Off as Exercise Produces Electricity (USA Today)

Whole Lotta Love for Zeppelins - A new-generation airship is visiting Puget Sound (Crosscut Seattle)


How the FCC Can Best Regulate the Internet (Washington Post)

Newsflash: Cable/Telcos Write Telecom Law - But it’s a rare politician that’s proud of that fact (Broadband Reports)

New Cables Tie West Africa Closer to Internet (San Jose Mercury News, CA)

Google Offers Respite from Inbox Overload (NY Times)

This Week Is a Coming-Out Party for Android Tablets (GigaOM)


Where States Get Their Money (NY Times)

Senator Patty Murray Visits Whatcom County Today “…worked with the Department of Energy to secure a contract between the Bonneville Power Administration & Intalco…” (KGMI Radio, Bellingham, WA)

Moving Benton County Seat Could Cost $3.5 Million (Associated Press)


US Finding Expected On Chinese Aluminum Exports (Associated Press)

Washington Schools Superintendent to Name Failing Schools (Associated Press)

Morton Parents Protest Return of Teacher, Pull Kids from His Classes (News Tribune, Tacoma, WA)


Freddie Mercury: Rock ‘N’ Roll’s Humble Showman

An Emmy for Rebuilding a Galaxy - “Star Wars Uncut,” a remake in 15-second increments of “Star Wars: A New Hope”

Facebook Post Gets Detroit-Area Juror in Hot Water

What Are Germiest Places at School? Pencil Sharpener among Dirtiest Items in School

Don’t Try This at Home - Teen Who Zapped (Body Parts) During Shop Class Sues (Note: PG-13 rating)


Queen - Don’t Stop Me Now

Monday, August 30, 2010

Energy News Digest for August 30, 2010

All the links in today’s news digest lead to current stories. Please note that some media organizations update their web sites regularly, which may result in broken links in the future.

To subscribe, email jmyer@masonpud3.org


Oregon Regulators, Portland General Electric in Showdown over Closing Boardman Coal Plant (Oregonian, Portland)

Tacoma Public Utilities Might Seek Rate Hikes (News Tribune, Tacoma, WA)

Contract to Remove Elwha Dams Goes to Montana Firm (Seattle Times)

Grays Harbor, Pacific County PUD’s Explore Tidal Energy (Associated Press)

City of Vancouver City Gets Cloudy Forecast on Biomass Plant - Project being mulled by county could produce dark smoke downtown, official says (Vancouver Columbian, WA)


·         Oregon Regulators, Portland General Electric in Showdown over Closing Boardman Coal Plant
·         Tacoma Public Utilities Might Seek Rate Hikes
·         Grant PUD Talks about Surcharge Monday
·         Idaho Power - Environmental Impact Statement for the Swan Falls Hydroelectric Project
·         Northern Wasco County PUD Eyes White River Falls Power
·         Aluminum Manufacturer Alcoa Spends $680,000 to Lobby on Climate, Financial Issues
·         PUD 3 Commission to Hold Hearing on Integrated Resource Plan - Aug 31
·         Bellevue: Tree Trimmer Killed By Tree
·         Maine Regulators to Review Utility Takeover
·         Giant Metal Humanoids in Running to Conduct Iceland's Electricity
·         Contract to Remove Elwha Dams Goes to Montana Firm
·         Dam Removal Contract Comes in $13 Million under Estimate
·         Peninsula Company Will Gain Millions As Subcontractor In Elwha Dam Removal Project
·         Amended Complaint Filed in Columbia River Salmon Lawsuit
·         Salmon Season on the Skokomish
·         Huge Salmon Runs Bring Cash Bonanza for US & Canadian Fishermen
·         Critics Say Canadian Salmon Run Botched By the Government
·         Alaska Salmon Haul a Surprise
·         Pikeminnow Season Extended
·         Avista Adjusting Water Flow At Spokane Falls
·         Klamath Basin's Water Worries Extend to Wells
·         Canadian Government Approves Plan to Treat Vancouver Island Sewage – Finally
·         Disgusting Algae's Spread Perplexes Scientists in California
·         Grays Harbor, Pacific County PUD’s Explore Tidal Energy
·         City of Vancouver City Gets Cloudy Forecast on Biomass Plant
·         Port Townsend Mill's Proposed Biomass Generator Draws Heat
·         California - Modesto Irrigation District to Weigh Power Deal For Wood-Burn Plant
·         Editorial - Achieving 'Green' Through Biomass
·         Colorado - Biomass Plant Proposed in Vail
·         Michigan - DTE Energy Invests in Wood-Based Electricity, Landfill Gas
·         Wisconsin - Environmental Review Not Needed For Biomass Plant
·         Wind Forecast Accuracy Takes On Added Importance
·         Recipients Seek Renewed Grants for Renewable Energy Projects
·         California - Wind Turbine Projects Run into Resistance
·         Maine Wind Farm Not Soothing To All Ears - Turbines’ Sounds Have Town Divided
·         California - Green Goal Line in Sight: 33 Percent Renewable Electricity Bill Nearing Key Votes
·         Editorial - Smart Grid Projects Good For Economy, Efficiency
·         Washington State Weatherization Program Receives $10 Million
·         Devices That Help Plug Electrical Leaks
·         Not Such A Bright Idea - Making Lighting More Efficient Could Increase Energy Use
·         Pacific Northwest Forests Offer Carbon Dilemma
·         Obama Administration Sides with Utilities in Supreme Court Case about Climate Change
·         Cap-and-Trade Is Beginning to Raise Some Concerns
·         Environmental Groups Face Their Future in Climate-Change Debate
·         UN Climate Change Panel to be Warned over Reports
·         Climate Policy Wars: People Want Affordable Solutions
·         How to Stop Idling Trucks from Wasting 1.2 Billion Gallons of Fuel Annually in the US
·         Chelan County PUD Will Accept Feds $25 Million Fiber Grant
·         Editorial - Chelan County PUD: a Real Lesson on Making Decisions
·         Edmonds - City Owned Fiber Optics Starting to Pay Off
·         Idaho - City of Sandpoint Hits Slow Lane for Fiber-Optic Network
·         Ten Oregon Counties May be Facing a Whopping Cable Bill
·         Intel Buying Infineon's Wireless Operations
·         Microsoft Co-Founder Allen Sues Apple, Google, Other Tech Giants over Patents
·         Technology Notebook: Google Unveils Its Internet Phone Service
·         Governor and DNR Commissioner Cases & the limits Power of the State Attorney General
·         Shelton City Commission to Discuss Next Steps for Fire Services Monday
·         Struggling Cities Shut Firehouses in Budget Crisis
·         State Representative John McCoy Resigns as Quil Ceda General Manager
·         Unusually Heavy Rain for August in Western Washington
·         Farmers' Almanac: Kinder, Gentler Winter on Tap
·         Late Summer Brings a Spider Population Boom in Washington State
·         Solutions Sought For $240,000 Teacher Overpayment in Centralia
·         Smart and Fast, Marine Mammals Are Guarding Our Military Bases


Panjandrum • \pan-JAN-drum\ noun • - A powerful personage or pretentious official

Ooh look, the internet collective that is the world’s lexicological panjandrum has threatened the existence of the Oxford English Dictionary.

Internet may phase out printed Oxford Dictionary (Associated Press)



Oregon Regulators, Portland General Electric in Showdown over Closing Boardman Coal Plant (Oregonian, Portland)

Tacoma Public Utilities Might Seek Rate Hikes (News Tribune, Tacoma, WA)

Grant PUD Talks about Surcharge Monday (Columbia Basin Herald, Moses lake, WA)

Idaho Power - Environmental Impact Statement for the Swan Falls Hydroelectric Project on the Snake River (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission)

Northern Wasco County PUD Eyes White River Falls Power (Dalles Chronicle, OR)

Aluminum Manufacturer Alcoa Spends $680,000 to Lobby on Climate, Financial Issues – Bonneville Power Administration energy one focus of lobbying effort (Canadian Business)

PUD 3 Commission to Hold Hearing on Integrated Resource Plan - Aug 31 (Mason County PUD No. 3)

Bellevue: Tree Trimmer Killed By Tree (Associated Press)

Maine Regulators to Review Utility Takeover (Associated Press)

Giant Metal Humanoids in Running to Conduct Iceland's Electricity (Gawker – Note: comment section may contain PG-13 or worse language)


Contract to Remove Elwha Dams Goes to Montana Firm (Seattle Times)

Dam Removal Contract Comes in $13 Million under Estimate (Peninsula Daily News, Port Angeles, WA)

Peninsula Company Will Gain Millions As Subcontractor In Elwha Dam Removal Project (Peninsula Daily News, Port Angeles, WA)

Amended Complaint Filed in Columbia River Salmon Lawsuit (News Tribune, Tacoma, WA)

Salmon Season on the Skokomish (Kitsap Sun, Bremerton, WA)

Huge Salmon Runs Bring Cash Bonanza for US & Canadian Fishermen (Seattle Times)

Critics Say Canadian Salmon run botched by the Government - Expert says Ottawa too late in opening sockeye fishery (Victoria Times Colonist, BC)

Alaska Salmon Haul a Surprise (Anchorage Daily News, AK)

Pikeminnow Season Extended (News Tribune, Tacoma, WA)


Avista Adjusting Water Flow At Spokane Falls (Associated Press)

Klamath Basin's Water Worries Extend to Wells (Oregonian, Portland)

Canadian Government Approves Plan to Treat Vancouver Island Sewage - Finally (Associated Press)

Disgusting Algae's Spread Perplexes Scientists in California (Sacramento Bee, CA)


Grays Harbor, Pacific County PUD’s Explore Tidal Energy (Associated Press)

City of Vancouver City Gets Cloudy Forecast on Biomass Plant - Project being mulled by county could produce dark smoke downtown, official says (Vancouver Columbian, WA)

Port Townsend Mill's Proposed Biomass Generator Draws Heat (Peninsula Daily News, Port Angeles, WA)

California - Modesto Irrigation District to Weigh Power Deal For Wood-Burn Plant (Modesto Bee, CA)

Editorial - Achieving 'Green' Through Biomass (Modesto Bee, CA)

Colorado - Biomass Plant Proposed in Vail: Pine beetle problem could offer valuable alternative energy solutions to Vail Valley (SKI Magazine)

Michigan - DTE Energy Invests in Wood-Based Electricity, Landfill Gas (Michigan Messenger)

Wisconsin - Environmental Review Not Needed For Biomass Plant (Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, WI)

Wind Forecast Accuracy Takes On Added Importance (Oregon Public Radio)

Recipients Seek Renewed Grants for Renewable Energy Projects - Idaho wind farm among federal aid beneficiaries (Spokesman-Review, Spokane, WA)

California - Wind Turbine Projects Run into Resistance (NY Times)

Maine Wind Farm Not Soothing To All Ears - Turbines’ Sounds Have Town Divided (Boston Globe, MA)

California - Green Goal Line in Sight: 33 Percent Renewable Electricity Bill Nearing Key Votes (San Jose Mercury News, CA)


Editorial - Smart Grid Projects Good For Economy, Efficiency (Spokesman Review, Spokane, WA)

Washington State Weatherization Program Receives $10 Million (Associated Press)

Devices That Help Plug Electrical Leaks (NY Times)

Not Such A Bright Idea - Making Lighting More Efficient Could Increase Energy Use, Not Decrease It (The Economist,)


Pacific Northwest Forests Offer Carbon Dilemma (News Tribune, Tacoma, WA)

Obama Administration Sides with Utilities in Supreme Court Case about Climate Change (Washington Post)

Cap-and-Trade Is Beginning to Raise Some Concerns (NY Times)

Environmental Groups Face Their Future in Climate-Change Debate (Washington Post)

UN Climate Change Panel to be Warned over Reports (Telegraph, UK)

Climate Policy Wars: People Want Affordable Solutions (Crosscut Seattle)


How to Stop Idling Trucks from Wasting 1.2 Billion Gallons of Fuel Annually in the US (Earth & Industry)


Chelan County PUD Will Accept Feds $25 Million Fiber Grant (Wenatchee World, WA)

Editorial - Chelan County PUD: a Real Lesson on Making Decisions (Wenatchee World, WA)

Edmonds - City Owned Fiber Optics Starting to Pay Off (Edmonds Beacon, WA)

Idaho - City of Sandpoint Hits Slow Lane For Fiber-Optic Network Bonner County Daily Bee, Sandpoint, ID)

Ten Oregon Counties May be Facing a Whopping Cable Bill (Oregonian, Portland)

Intel Buying Infineon's Wireless Operations (Associated Press)

Microsoft Co-Founder Allen Sues Apple, Google, Other Tech Giants over Patents (Washington Post)

Technology Notebook: Google Unveils Its Internet Phone Service (Everett Herald, WA)


Governor and DNR Commissioner Cases - Cases May Limit Power of State Attorney General Rob Mckenna (News Tribune, Tacoma, WA)

Shelton City Commission to Discuss Next Steps for Fire Services Monday (KMAS Radio, Shelton, WA)

State Representative John McCoy Resigns as Quil Ceda General Manager - Will start an economic development and public policy consulting firm (Indian Country Today)


Unusually Heavy Rain for August in Western Washington (Associated Press)

Farmers' Almanac: Kinder, Gentler Winter on Tap (Associated Press)

Late Summer Brings a Spider Population Boom in Washington State (KING-TV, Seattle)

Solutions Sought For $240,000 Teacher Overpayment in Centralia (News Tribune, Tacoma, WA)

Smart and Fast, Marine Mammals Are Guarding Our Military Bases (Seattle Times)


Kittitas Treasurer Refuses 33,000 Pennies

Eastern Washington University’s New Red Turf a Hit with Players

Girl, 12, Fined $124 for Littering in Winthrop

Canadian Cattle Enjoy Red Wine With Their Feed


Sarah Vaughan - Pennies from Heaven