Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Customers Comment on Return of Hiring Authority to Bonneville Power Administration (Public Power Council, Portland, OR)

Department of Energy’s announcement that it is clearing the Bonneville Power Administration to conduct its own human resources functions seen as a positive sign

(PORTLAND, OR) – Leaders of groups representing purchasers of wholesale electricity from the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) reacted positively today on the announcement that the Department of Energy (DOE) had returned to BPA all of its authorities to make personnel decisions following a process to address concerns over hiring issues raised in audits last year that led to suspension of the agency’s authority.  BPA is a key regional supplier of power impacting millions of Northwest residents.

“This is a critical step,” said Scott Corwin, Executive Director of the Public Power Council.  “With the problems fixed, authority is rightly returned to the regional Administrator so that BPA can take much needed personnel actions.”

The Northwest Congressional delegation had expressed concerns about the hiring issues and the autonomy of BPA when DOE stripped the agency of its ability to take almost any personnel action last year in the wake of reports that it had not been following federal hiring guidelines.

John Prescott, President and CEO of PNGC Power said, “This affirms that Elliot Mainzer and the leadership team at BPA have done an impressive job with an enormous challenge over the past year.”

BPA worked with DOE and the Office of Personnel Management to create an action plan to address the past human resources mistakes and to train staff regarding recent laws on federal hiring practices. 

“Elliot Mainzer, the managers, and the employees at BPA have really stepped up to address the human resources issues,” said John Saven, CEO of Northwest Requirements Utilities.  “Now, we will work together to ensure they are in the best position possible to meet the mission of providing safe and reliable wholesale power and transmission for Northwest consumers.”

The announcement today made clear that extensive work by BPA staff successfully addressed the concerns in the audits.  A remaining issue customers would like addressed is to see the BPA General Counsel once again report to the BPA Administrator rather than to DOE headquarters.

The Public Power Council, PNGC Power, and Northwest Requirements Utilities are organizations that represent well over 100 utility preference customers of the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), serving power to millions of consumers in eight states.  These consumer-owned utilities are close partners with BPA in delivering the clean, cost based power from the Federal Columbia River Power System to residents and businesses in the Northwest. 

Bonneville Power Administration’s Hiring Authority Reinstated (U-S Department of Energy)

Statement from Deputy Secretary Daniel Poneman on Bonneville Power Administration's HR Authorities

September 30, 2014

(WASHINGTON, DC) -- Deputy Secretary Daniel Poneman issued the following statement today on the reinstatement of Bonneville Power Administration's human resources authorities:

"Today, the Department of Energy is reinstating the Bonneville Power Administration’s delegated human resources authorities, after 13 months of extensive training, as well as evaluation and auditing of Bonneville’s human capital management program. Bonneville, in partnership with Department of Energy headquarters, has successfully completed an extensive “get well” program, reconstructing 1,259 hiring cases involving over 22,000 job applications, to assure that all candidates are treated fairly, and that all of the discrepancies identified have been resolved. A shared commitment by both BPA and the Department of Energy to rebuild a stronger, more agile HR function was key to this success."

"Moving forward, the Department will continue to review BPA’s HR activities. The Department’s compliance efforts will honor BPA’s unique status as a separate and distinct organizational entity within the Department."

Energy News Digest for September 30, 2014


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Energy News Digest Word Cloud for September 30, 2014


Mason PUD 3 Customers Should be on the Alert for Possible Telephone Scams (Mason County PUD 3, Shelton, WA)

Salmon Funds Approved for Ongoing Skokomish Restoration (Kitsap Sun, Bremerton, WA – Paywall Advisory)

Biologists Identify Pot Gardens as Salmon Threat (Associated Press)

Centralia College Gets $10 Million Federal Clean Energy Grant (KELA Radio, Centralia, WA)

Green Diamond: From Shelton Roots to Klamath Falls Forests (South Sound Business Examiner)

  • Mason PUD 3 Customers Should be on the Alert for Possible Telephone Scams
  • Jefferson PUD Candidates Confess: Neither Voted for Electrical Takeover in 2008 Election
  • Rationalizing California’s Residential Electricity Rates
  • Electric Rates Soar in New England
  • Co-ops Win Case over FERC Demand Response Order
  • Tennessee Valley Authority Prices $1 Billion of New 10-Year Global Power Bonds
  • Salmon Funds Approved for Ongoing Skokomish Restoration
  • Biologists Identify Pot Gardens as Salmon Threat
  • Detroit Bankruptcy Judge Says He Can’t Stop Water Shutoffs
  • Centralia College Gets $10 Million Federal Clean Energy Grant
  • Bats Killed by Wind Turbines ‘Because They Mistake Them for Trees’
  • How Solar Power is Changing Your Utility Bill - And Your Utility
  • Taxes, Fees: The Worldwide Battle between Utilities & Solar
  • Using LED Lights to Change Moods
  • California Drought Tied to Climate Change? Scientists Unsure
  • Oregon Global Warming Commission Endorses Obama Power Plant Regulations
  • Latest EIA Report Shows Marked Increase in U-S Carbon Dioxide Emissions
  • California Plastic Bag Ban Signed, Setting Off Sweeping Changes
  • Irony Alert: Field Roast’s Fake Meat Has to be Tested on Real Animals
  • The Internet is Still ‘Shellshocked’ by Latest Bug — But It Won’t be the Last
  • Cisco: The Internet Needs More Control
  • FCC Lays Groundwork for 5G Wireless Networks
  • EBay is Splitting PayPal Off as a Separate Company
  • FCC Appears Poised to Loosen Sports Blackout Rule, Despite Protests by the NFL
  • Londoners Accidentally Pay for Free Wi-Fi with a Firstborn, Because No One Reads Anymore
  • This Supermarket Poster Was Not Meant to Be Seen by the Public
  • Green Diamond: From Shelton Roots to Klamath Falls Forests
  • Huge Tax Breaks for Boeing Weren’t Tied to Jobs; 2,000 Jobs to be Cut, Moved from Washington
  • Two Kennewick Residents Lose $6,300 from Phone Scams
  • Kansas City Chiefs Fans Now NFL’s Noisiest, Take Title from Seahawk Fans

Esurient • \ih-SURR-ee-unt\ •  Adjective - Hungry, greedy

Feed me, Seymour (growled the esurient houseplant)
Feed me all night long
‘Cause if you feed me Seymour
I can grow up big & strong


Mason PUD 3 Customers Should be on the Alert for Possible Telephone Scams (Mason County PUD 3, Shelton, WA)

Jefferson PUD Candidates Confess: Neither Voted for Electrical Takeover in 2008 Election (Peninsula Daily News, Port Angeles, WA)

Rationalizing California’s Residential Electricity Rates (The Energy Collective)

Electric Rates Soar in New England (U-S News & World Report)

Co-ops Win Case over FERC Demand Response Order (Electric Co-op Today)

Tennessee Valley Authority Prices $1 Billion of New 10-Year Global Power Bonds (American Public Power Association)


Salmon Funds Approved for Ongoing Skokomish Restoration (Kitsap Sun, Bremerton, WA – Paywall Advisory)

Biologists Identify Pot Gardens as Salmon Threat (Associated Press)


Detroit Bankruptcy Judge Says He Can’t Stop Water Shutoffs (Christian Science Monitor)


Centralia College Gets $10 Million Federal Clean Energy Grant (KELA Radio, Centralia, WA)

Bats Killed by Wind Turbines ‘Because They Mistake Them for Trees’ (International Business Times)

How Solar Power is Changing Your Utility Bill - And Your Utility (Christian Science Monitor)

Taxes, Fees: The Worldwide Battle between Utilities & Solar (Reuters)


Using LED Lights to Change Moods (Electric Co-op Today)


California Drought Tied to Climate Change? Scientists Unsure (SF Chronicle)

Oregon Global Warming Commission Endorses Obama Power Plant Regulations (Portland Tribune, OR)

Latest EIA Report Shows Marked Increase in U-S Carbon Dioxide Emissions (The Energy Collective)


California Plastic Bag Ban Signed, Setting Off Sweeping Changes (Sacramento Bee, CA)

Irony Alert: Field Roast’s Fake Meat Has to be Tested on Real Animals (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)


The Internet is Still ‘Shellshocked’ by Latest Bug — But It Won’t be the Last (Washington Post)

Cisco: The Internet Needs More Control (NY Times)

FCC Lays Groundwork for 5G Wireless Networks (Broadband Reports)


EBay is Splitting PayPal Off as a Separate Company (Gizmodo)

FCC Appears Poised to Loosen Sports Blackout Rule, Despite Protests by the NFL (NY Times)

Londoners Accidentally Pay for Free Wi-Fi with a Firstborn, Because No One Reads Anymore (Everett Herald, WA)

This Supermarket Poster Was Not Meant to Be Seen by the Public (Consumerist)


Green Diamond: From Shelton Roots to Klamath Falls Forests (South Sound Business Examiner)

Huge Tax Breaks for Boeing Weren’t Tied to Jobs; 2,000 Jobs to be Cut, Moved from Washington (KIRO Broadcasting, Seattle, WA)

Two Kennewick Residents Lose $6,300 from Phone Scams (Tri-City Herald, WA)

Kansas City Chiefs Fans Now NFL’s Noisiest, Take Title from Seahawk Fans (Puget Sound Business Journal, WA)


Firefighters Save Family of Hamsters With Tiny Oxygen Masks

Oregon Fugitive’s Strong Cologne Leads Cops to His Hiding Spot

Leonardo Da Vinci ‘Painted Three Ermine Portraits’

European Union Flag Stirs Confused Terrorist Alert in Belfast


The Little Shop of Horrors - Feed Me, Seymour (Git It)


All the links in today’s news digest lead to current stories. Please note that some media organizations update their web sites regularly, which may result in broken links in the future.

Note that as some newspapers migrate to a “paywall” system of access, some articles may not be available without forking over some cold hard credit card cash. However, some sites will allow a certain number of story accesses per month before holding out their hand. Sorry if this is an inconvenience.