Weather Forecast for April 14, 2016
NOAA Issues La NiƱa Watch as Tropical Pacific Temperatures
Tank (Washington Post)
Powerful Earthquake in Japan Leaves Two Dead, At Least 45
Injured (USA Today)
Judge Says Energy Companies Bilked California Out of $1.1
Billion on Electricity Deals (Sacramento
Bee, CA)
British Columbia: Four High Voltage Power Poles in Surrey
Cut Down with a Chainsaw (Canadian
Broadcasting Corporation)
Solar Energy Surge in Washington Leads to Reduced Incentives
– See Visit to Mason PUD 3’s Community Solar (Northwest Public Radio)
Sardine Fishery Shutdown Continues (Vancouver Columbian, WA)
- Judge Says Energy Companies Bilked California Out of $1.1 Billion on Electricity Deals
- British Columbia: Four High Voltage Power Poles in Surrey Cut Down with a Chainsaw
- New Ferndale Smelter Energy Deal Made to Benefit Bonneville Power Administration, Alcoa – Comment Period through April 22
- Grays Harbor PUD Getting Pushback on Rate Restructuring
- Coding Error Leaves Seattle Landlord with $2,000 in Former Tenant’s Delinquent Bills
- Cowlitz PUD Warns of Mail Scam
- Mason PUD 3 Investigating Customer Service Office in Belfair Business Core
- Two New, Five Upgraded, Substations on Grant PUD Construction Schedule
- Will a Big Bankruptcy Dim Chance of Washington Coal Port?
- Slideshow: This Is How Portland General Electric Generates Power
- FEMA: Attack on the Electric Grid Will Hurt Residential Areas Longest
- Utilities Move Ahead with Plan to Stash Spare Equipment in Case of Disasters, Attacks
- Report: Without Nuclear, U-S States Face Struggle to Meet Carbon Goals
- South Africa: Burnt Copper Theft Suspect Lied, Say Cops
- Sardine Fishery Shutdown Continues
- Columbia & Snake Sockeye Decimated by 2015’s Warm Rivers
- New Tribal Village on Columbia River Included In Federal Appropriations Bill
- Washington State Governor to Host 30,000 Bees
- Solar Energy Surge in Washington Leads to Reduced Incentives – See Visit to Mason PUD 3’s Community Solar
- Be Careful When It Comes to That Rooftop Solar Tax Credit
- Report Says Clean Energy in British Columbia Produces Green Power & Sustainable Jobs
- Why a Large West Coast Electric Utility Acquired Dublin’s Delta Energy
- March Was Earth’s 11th-Straight Warmest Month on Record
- Climate Change Resolution Passed By Clallam County Commissioners
- Canada: National Climate Change Report Warns of Storm Surge Risks on British Columbia’s Coast
- Apple’s App Store is About to Go Green in a Big Way
- Personal Data Stolen from Olympia School District Employees
- President Obama Names Appointees to New Cyber Commission
- Facebook to Speed Wireless Internet in San Jose
- iPad vs. Paper: Teachers Report Big Difference
- Why Do Older People Love Facebook? Let’s Ask My Dad
- Three Social Image Tools That Increase Exposure & Engagement
- Portland Trail Blazers Engage in Twitter Feud over Name
- Washington State Audition on Trial – Dramatic Moment as Prosecution Rests Its Case in Troy Kelley Trial
- Washington Lawmakers Consider Cutting Taxes for Beer & Booze
- Powerful Earthquake in Japan Leaves Two Dead, At Least 45 Injured
- City of Shelton OKs Site Plan Application for Sierra Pacific Sawmill
- Mason County Commissioners, Sheriff Divided over Budget Issues
- Despite Steady Job Growth, Washington’s Unemployment Rate Remains 5.8 Percent – Mason County at 8.5 Percent
- Mason General Hospital, Shelton Schools Form Health Science Academy
- State Considers Raising Speed Limit to 75 on I-90 in Eastern Washington State
Modus Operandi • \MOE-dus opp-er-RAND-ee\ • noun – A method
of procedure; especially: a distinct pattern or method of operation that
indicates or suggests the work of a single criminal in more than one crime
“No gentlemen, we are not dealing with a crazed criminal
here,” purred Detective Poirot as he absentmindedly stroked his moustache. “What
we have here is a person who is so fixed in their modus operandi that they
would not change their ways even if confronted with the most secure lock box in
the world.” “Non, mon ami, your lunches have not been stolen by a wayward
squirrel, crazed dog, or even a trained capuchin monkey…they have been stolen
by only one person….your copy repairman: Rick!” (Insert surprised gasp here)
Judge Says Energy Companies Bilked California Out of $1.1
Billion on Electricity Deals (Sacramento
Bee, CA)
British Columbia: Four High Voltage Power Poles in Surrey
Cut Down with a Chainsaw (Canadian
Broadcasting Corporation)
New Ferndale Smelter Energy Deal Made to Benefit Bonneville Power Administration, Alcoa
– Comment Period through April 22 (Bellingham Herald, WA)
Grays Harbor PUD Getting Pushback on Rate Restructuring (Aberdeen Daily World, WA)
Coding Error Leaves Seattle Landlord with $2,000 in Former
Tenant’s Delinquent Bills (KOMO-TV, Seattle, WA)
Cowlitz PUD Warns of Mail Scam (Longview Daily News, WA)
Mason PUD 3 Investigating Customer Service Office in Belfair
Business Core (Mason PUD 3, Shelton, WA)
Two New, Five Upgraded, Substations on Grant PUD Construction
Schedule (Columbia Basin Herald, Moses Lake, WA)
Will a Big Bankruptcy Dim Chance of Washington Coal Port?
(Seattle Post-Intelligencer, WA)
Slideshow: This Is How Portland General Electric Generates
Power (Portland Business Journal, OR)
FEMA: Attack on the Electric Grid Will Hurt Residential
Areas Longest (Washington Examiner)
Utilities Move Ahead with Plan to Stash Spare Equipment in
Case of Disasters, Attacks (Utility Dive)
Report: Without Nuclear, U-S States Face Struggle to Meet
Carbon Goals (Utility Dive)
South Africa: Burnt Copper Theft Suspect Lied, Say Cops (Independent
Newspapers, South AfricaPG-13 for Graphic Images)
Sardine Fishery Shutdown Continues (Vancouver Columbian, WA)
Columbia & Snake Sockeye Decimated by 2015’s Warm Rivers
(Idaho Statesman, Boise)
New Tribal Village on Columbia River Included In Federal
Appropriations Bill (Oregonian, Portland)
Washington State Governor to Host 30,000 Bees – Beekeepers
hope to raise awareness about the decline in bee populations (KOIN-TV, Portland, OR)
Solar Energy Surge in Washington Leads to Reduced Incentives
– See Visit to Mason PUD 3’s Community Solar (Northwest Public Radio)
Be Careful When It Comes to That Rooftop Solar Tax Credit
(San Diego Union-Tribune, CA)
Report Says Clean Energy in British Columbia Produces Green
Power & Sustainable Jobs (Victoria
Times Colonist, BC)
Why a Large West Coast Electric Utility Acquired Dublin’s
Delta Energy (Columbus Business First, OH)
March Was Earth’s 11th-Straight Warmest Month on Record
Climate Change Resolution Passed By Clallam County
Commissioners (KONP Radio, Port
Angeles, WA)
Canada: National Climate Change Report Warns of Storm Surge
Risks on British Columbia’s Coast (Canadian
Broadcasting Corporation)
Apple’s App Store is About to Go Green in a Big Way (Mashable)
Personal Data Stolen from Olympia School District Employees (KCPQ-TV, Seattle, WA)
President Obama Names Appointees to New Cyber Commission
(Washington Examiner)
Facebook to Speed Wireless Internet in San Jose (SF Chronicle)
iPad vs. Paper: Teachers Report Big Difference (Vancouver Columbian, WA)
Why Do Older People Love Facebook? Let’s Ask My Dad (NY Times)
Three Social Image Tools That Increase Exposure &
Engagement (Social Media Examiner)
Portland Trail Blazers Engage in Twitter Feud over Name (KGW-TV, Portland, OR)
Washington State Audition on Trial – Dramatic Moment as
Prosecution Rests Its Case in Troy Kelley Trial (Northwest Public Radio)
Washington Lawmakers Consider Cutting Taxes for Beer &
Booze (KIRO Broadcasting, Seattle, WA)
Powerful Earthquake in Japan Leaves Two Dead, At Least 45
Injured (USA Today)
City of Shelton OKs Site Plan Application for Sierra Pacific
Sawmill (KMAS Radio, Shelton, WA)
Mason County Commissioners, Sheriff Divided over Budget
Issues (KMAS Radio, Shelton, WA)
Despite Steady Job Growth, Washington’s Unemployment Rate
Remains 5.8 Percent – Mason County at 8.5 Percent (Mason Web TV, Shelton, WA)
Mason General Hospital, Shelton Schools Form Health Science
Academy (KMAS Radio, Shelton, WA)
State Considers Raising Speed Limit to 75 on I-90 in Eastern
Washington State (KCPQ-TV, Seattle, WA)
Truck Dumps Human Waste on I-5 in Everett
Longview Considers Squirrel as Official City Mascot
Loch Ness Monster Is Found! (Kind of. Not Really.)
The Cost of Keeping Lenin Looking Like Lenin – Russia will
spend nearly $200,000 this year to maintain the former Soviet leader’s embalmed
David Byrne - And She Was
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