Friday, July 2, 2010

Energy News Digest for July 2, 2010

The energy news digest wishes everyone a meaningful and fun-filled Independence Day. It returns chock full of newsy freshness on Tuesday, the 6th. Meanwhile refresh your Declaration knowledge here:

All the links in today’s news digest lead to current stories. Please note that some media organizations update their web sites regularly, which may result in broken links in the future.

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Feds Wasted Millions in Utilities Program for Poor (Associated Press)

Editorial - Northwest Should Find Hope, Encouragement, in a Stronger Decade of Columbia Fish Returns (Oregonian, Portland)

Oregon solar program fills in 15 minutes - Leaves some customers excited; others frustrated (Oregonian, Portland)

Obama to Announce Broadband Recovery Act Awards Friday (Associated Press)

Washington State Initiative Petition Deadline Arrives (Associated Press)


  • Feds Wasted Millions in Utilities Program for Poor
  • Editorial - Diplomacy & Moving Electricity
  • Grays Harbor PUD Seeks Public Comment on New Rate Structure
  • Fitch Upgrades Cowlitz County Public Utility District Bond Rating to ‘A’
  • Cop in Pursuit Yanked from Motorcycle by Downed Utility Line
  • Applause Echoes for Departing Chelan PUD Chief
  • Alcoa Cutting 65 Jobs at Central Indiana Plant – Lower Orders to Blame
  • California - EPA Gives Monterey Turbines Bad Marks; Particulate matter the issue
  • Georgia Power Files Double-Digit Rate-Hike Request
  • Iowa - High Electric Demand Leads to ‘Sweet Odor’ at Ames Power Plant
  • Laos Turns to Hydropower to be ‘Asia’s Battery
  • Finland Approves New Nuclear Plants
  • The Dalles Dam: A Safer Place for Salmon
  • Editorial - Northwest Should Find Hope, Encouragement, in a Stronger Decade of Columbia Fish Returns
  • For Chesapeake Shuckers, Gulf Oil Spill Means the World is No Longer Their Oysters
  • Feds Say $30 Million on the Way for Puget Sound Restoration
  • Governor Gregoire Advocates Increased Yakima River Basin Water Storage
  • Program Gets 200 Dirty Diesel Trucks off Road
  • Oregon Solar Program Fills in 15 Minutes
  • Solar Energy Fights for Roof Space
  • Hybrid Solar Biomass Plant Shelved in California
  • Study Says Wyoming Wind Energy is Relatively Cheap
  • Hydro, Wave, & Tidal Power Market Outlook Bright
  • State Renewable Portfolio Standards May Lead to 250% Market Growth by 2025
  • Google’s Renewable Energy Push
  • Paris Plans to Harness Energy from the Seine, But What Will be the Effects?
  • Global CO2 Trends Show Scope of Climate Challenge
  • Per-Capita Emissions of Greenhouse Gasses Rising in China
  • Op/Ed - A Simpler Path to Cutting Carbon Emissions
  • Climate Scientist Cleared of Altering Data
  • Cal #1, Wash. #2 - Oregon Third in New Sustainability Rankings
  • Oregon Raises $202 Million for Clean-Tech
  • Kitsap County Park to Help Launch Sustainability Project
  • Plastic Bags: Untapped Tax Gold Mine?
  • Obama to Announce Broadband Recovery Act Awards Friday – None in Washington
  • Frontier Closes $5.3 Billion Deal for Verizon Phone Lines
  • Apple ‘Stunned’ to Find iPhones Show Too Many Bars
  • Washington State Initiative Petition Deadline Arrives
  • Backers Have Numbers to Put Income Tax to Vote
  • Harsh Toke: Legalized Pot Measure Won’t Make It
  • Prostituting the Process - Initiative Signature Gathering Is Big Business in Washington
  • Cantwell Now Supports Wall Street Overhaul
  • Including Mason - Gregoire Requests Farm Disaster Assistance for 29 Counties
  • Larry Pearson: Man Who Led 44-Mile U.S. 101 Chase Guilty


Nescience • \NESH-ee-unss\ • noun - Lack of knowledge or awareness: ignorance

“Nescience?” asked Albert. “That’s a word I’ve never heard before.”



Feds Wasted Millions in Utilities Program for Poor (Associated Press)

Editorial - Diplomacy & Moving Electricity (Longview Daily News, WA)

Grays Harbor PUD Seeks Public Comment on New Rate Structure (KBKW Radio, Aberdeen, WA)

Fitch Upgrades Cowlitz County Public Utility District Bond Rating to ‘A’ (Earth Times)

Cop in Pursuit Yanked from Motorcycle by Downed Utility Line (News Tribune, Tacoma, WA)

Applause Echoes for Departing Chelan PUD Chief (Wenatchee World, WA)

Alcoa Cutting 65 Jobs at Central Indiana Plant – Lower Orders to Blame (Associated Press)

California - EPA Gives Monterey Turbines Bad Marks; Particulate matter the issue (Courthouse News Service)

Georgia Power Files Double-Digit Rate-Hike Request (Atlanta Business Chronicle)

Iowa - High Electric Demand Leads to ‘Sweet Odor’ at Ames Power Plant (Ames Tribune, IA)

Laos Turns to Hydropower to be ‘Asia’s Battery’ (Christian Science Monitor)

Finland Approves New Nuclear Plants (NY Times)


The Dalles Dam: A Safer Place for Salmon - A new spillwall at the Dalles Dam on the Columbia River is expected to improve survival rates for juvenile salmon by four percent (Renewable Energy World)

Editorial - Northwest Should Find Hope, Encouragement, in a Stronger Decade of Columbia Fish Returns (Oregonian, Portland)

For Chesapeake Shuckers, Gulf Oil Spill Means the World is No Longer Their Oysters (Washington Post)


Feds Say $30 Million on the Way for Puget Sound Restoration (Associated Press)

Governor Gregoire Advocates Increased Yakima River Basin Water Storage (Yakima Herald Republic, WA)

Program Gets 200 Dirty Diesel Trucks off Road (KIRO-TV, Seattle)


Oregon Solar Program Fills in 15 Minutes - Leaves some customers excited; others frustrated (Oregonian, Portland)

Solar Energy Fights for Roof Space (Renewable Energy World)

Hybrid Solar Biomass Plant Shelved in California (NY Times)

Study Says Wyoming Wind Energy is Relatively Cheap (Bloomberg BusinessWeek)

Hydro, Wave, & Tidal Power Market Outlook Bright (Renewable Energy World)

State Renewable Portfolio Standards May Lead to 250% Market Growth by 2025 (Renewable Energy World)

Google’s Renewable Energy Push (Wall Street Journal)

Paris Plans to Harness Energy from the Seine, But What Will be the Effects? (The Independent, UK)


Global CO2 Trends Show Scope of Climate Challenge (NY Times)

Per-Capita Emissions of Greenhouse Gasses Rising in China (NY Times)

Op/Ed - A Simpler Path to Cutting Carbon Emissions (Washington Post)

Climate Scientist Cleared of Altering Data (NY Times)


Cal #1, Wash. #2 - Oregon Third in New Sustainability Rankings (Sustainable Business Oregon)

Oregon Raises $202 Million for Clean-Tech (Portland Business Journal)

Kitsap County Park to Help Launch Sustainability Project - It’s like LEED certification, but for parks (News Tribune, Tacoma, WA)

Plastic Bags: Untapped Tax Gold Mine? (Christian Science Monitor)


Obama to Announce Recovery Act Awards Friday (Associated Press)

Here’s a PDF File of Today’s Broadband Awards from the White House – No Washington awards, but some for Oregon (White House)

Frontier Closes $5.3 Billion Deal for Verizon Phone Lines (Associated Press)

Apple ‘Stunned’ to Find iPhones Show Too Many Bars (Associated Press)


Washington State Initiative Petition Deadline Arrives (Associated Press)

Backers Have Numbers to Put Income Tax to Vote (Olympian, WA)

Harsh Toke: Legalized Pot Measure Won’t Make It (Seattle Post-Intelligencer)

Prostituting the Process - Initiative Signature Gathering Is Big Business in Washington (KING-TV, Seattle)

Cantwell Now Supports Wall Street Overhaul (Associated Press)


Including Mason - Gregoire Requests Farm Disaster Assistance for 29 Counties (KIRO-TV, Seattle)

Larry Pearson: Man Who Led 44-Mile U.S. 101 Chase Guilty - defendant says he was honoring God (Peninsula Daily News, Port Angeles, WA)


Scientists to Study the ‘Modern Miracle’ of Ozzy Osbourne’s Survival

Suspected Burglars Busted at Centralia Police Training Facility

7 Things Geek Squad Employee Wishes Every Computer Moron Knew (Comment section may contain PG-13 language)

Do Dogs & Cats Really Dream?


Black Sabbath - Iron Man