Thursday, August 5, 2010

Energy News Digest for August 5, 2010

All the links in today’s news digest lead to current stories. Please note that some media organizations update their web sites regularly, which may result in broken links in the future.

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Rural Washington Broadband Effort Gets $40 Million in Fed Funds – Chelan PUD, Okanogan PUD, Hood Canal Telephone & Cascade Networks (Puget Sound Business Journal)

Bonneville Power Administration Updates Alternatives for New Power Line (Vancouver Columbian, WA)

Mason County PUD No. 3 Awards Bid for Extending City of Shelton Water to John’s Prairie (KMAS Radio, Shelton, WA)

Sockeye Counts Beat Past Year’s Records (Columbia Basin Herald, Moses Lake, WA)

Mason County Medical Community against Wood-Fired Biomass Plant (KMAS Radio, Shelton, WA)


·         Bonneville Power Administration Updates Alternatives for New Power Line
·         Bonneville Power Administration Identifies New Potential Routes for Proposed Power Line
·         Avista Profit Dips Slightly in Second Quarter
·         Mason County PUD No. 3 Awards Bid for Extending City of Shelton Water to John’s Prairie
·         Fallout Begins After Senate’s Failure to Act on Energy, Oil Spill
·         Environmental Groups Defend Tactics After Climate Bill’s Demise
·         Greens Debating Tactics Instead of Ideas
·         California - Feds Urged to Halt Diablo Nuke Plant Re-Licensing
·         BP Collecting Millions in Government Stimulus Funds for California Power Plant
·         Sockeye Counts Beat Past Year’s Records
·         Salmon Action Heating Up in Puget Sound
·         Elwha River Dams to Start Coming Down Next Year, Dicks is Told
·         Yakima - One Canal Break Repaired, Second May be Fixed by Weekend
·         Enviros Question Port of Portland Dredge Spoil Dumping on West Hayden Island
·         Editorial - Estuary is the Solution for Olympia’s Capitol Lake
·         Group Seeks Opinion on New Water Standards for Fish & Wildlife
·         HaloSource Taps Developing World’s Growing Need for Clean Water
·         Yakima-Tieton Canal - Water Still Flowing Through Engineering Marvel after a Century
·         Mason County Medical Community against Wood-Fired Biomass Plant
·         Meeting Set in Opposition to Blue Mountain Wind Turbines
·         Montana - New Wind Farm Deal Could be Model for Industry
·         Installing Wind Turbines on Lake Erie Could Generate Thousands of Jobs
·         Michigan - Oceana County Wind Farm Meeting Turns Ugly
·         Tilting With Wind Turbines - A Legal War over Patents Slows Industry Growth
·         Federal Stimulus - $2.75 Million Will Go to Idaho School Solar Projects
·         Tennessee Valley Authority Hires Energy ‘Superstar’ Bob Balzar
·         Wally’s World - Thirty-Five Years Ago This Week, Wallace Broecker Predicted Decades of Dangerous Climate Change Caused by Humans
·         UN Panel Says New Taxes Needed for a Climate Fund
·         Carpooling Down, Even With Green Awareness Up
·         Oregon Sustainability Center May Score $300,000 from Congress
·         Seattle City Council to Vote on Urban Farming
·         Tully’s Owner Faces Single-Use Eco-Dilemma
·         Colorado Candidate Warns of Bicycle Plot
·         Rural Washington Broadband Effort Gets $40 Million in Fed Funds – Chelan PUD, Okanogan PUD, Hood Canal Telephone & Cascade Networks
·         Feds Offer Chelan PUD $25 Million for Fiber
·         Oregon - Federal Program to Expand Columbia County Broadband Access
·         Warm Springs Reservation Set for High-Speed Upgrade
·         Oregon Nets $17 Million for Broadband Expansion
·         Not so Neutral - Google & Verizon near Deal on Pay Tiers for Web
·         FCC Draws Fire over Talks with Internet, Telecom Giants on ‘Net Neutrality’
·         Did Net Neutrality Just Get Knifed in the Back?
·         Google Kills Wave, It’s Collaboration Tool
·         Montana Accuses North Carolina Company of Running Pyramid Scheme Involving Phone & Internet Services
·         Portland, Arcata Look at Cell-Phone Radiation
·         California - Neighbors Take Wireless Antenna Battle into Their Own Hands
·         Washington State Governor Says Budget Looks Good, For Now
·         Unions spend to $180,000 to oust Washington State Incumbent Senator Berkey
·         Benton County Limits Internet for County Workers
·         Dark-Horse Entrant in Race to Build Air Force Refueling Tankers Files Protest
·         Intense Heat Wave Bakes 18 States from Texas to New York
·         British Columbia - Forest Fires Contributing to Poor Air Quality over Metro Vancouver


Colloquy • \CALL-uh-kwee\ • noun - 1: conversation, dialogue *2: a high-level serious discussion: conference

Sitting in the nose-bleed section at the local college’s basketball arena, Dwight had a birds-eye view of the balding referees huddled at mid-court, holding forth a colloquy as to whether the game-winning three-point shot hit the rim before the buzzer. Dwight could not resist a short laugh seeing the three domed heads bowed together at the center circle. “This is what a mamma eagle must see when she circles to her nest, her gestating eggs grouped together in the intertwined sticks.”



Bonneville Power Administration Updates Alternatives for New Power Line (Vancouver Columbian, WA)

Bonneville Power Administration Identifies New Potential Routes for Proposed Power Line (Bonneville Power Administration)

Avista Profit Dips Slightly in Second Quarter (Spokesman-Review, Spokane, WA)

Mason County PUD No. 3 Awards Bid for Extending City of Shelton Water to John’s Prairie (KMAS Radio, Shelton, WA)

Fallout Begins After Senate’s Failure to Act on Energy, Oil Spill (NY Times)

Environmental Groups Defend Tactics After Climate Bill’s Demise (Politico)

Greens Debating Tactics Instead of Ideas (NY Times)

California - Feds Urged to Halt Diablo Nuke Plant Re-Licensing (Associated Press)

BP Collecting Millions in Government Stimulus Funds for California Power Plant (California Watch)


Sockeye Counts Beat Past Year’s Records (Columbia Basin Herald, Moses Lake, WA)

Salmon Action Heating Up in Puget Sound (Seattle Times)

Elwha River Dams to Start Coming Down Next Year, Dicks is Told (Peninsula Daily News, Port Angeles, WA)


Yakima - One Canal Break Repaired, Second May be Fixed by Weekend (Yakima Herald Republic, WA)

Enviros Question Port of Portland Dredge Spoil Dumping on West Hayden Island (Oregonian, Portland)

Editorial - Estuary is the Solution for Olympia’s Capitol Lake (Olympian, WA)

Group Seeks Opinion on New Water Standards for Fish & Wildlife (Courthouse News Service)

HaloSource Taps Developing World’s Growing Need for Clean Water (Seattle Times)

Yakima-Tieton Canal - Water Still Flowing Through Engineering Marvel after a Century (Yakima Herald-Republic, WA)


Mason County Medical Community against Wood-Fired Biomass Plant (KMAS Radio, Shelton, WA)

Meeting Set in Opposition to Blue Mountain Wind Turbines (Walla Walla Union Bulletin, WA)

Montana - New Wind Farm Deal Could be Model for Industry (Associated Press)

Installing Wind Turbines on Lake Erie Could Generate Thousands of Jobs, Study Says (Cleveland Plain Dealer, OH)

Michigan - Oceana County Wind Farm Meeting Turns Ugly, Former Lawmaker Forced Off Stage (Muskegon Chronicle, MI)

Tilting With Wind Turbines - A Legal War over Patents Slows Industry Growth (NY Times)

Federal Stimulus - $2.75 Million Will Go to Idaho School Solar Projects (Spokesman-Review, Spokane, WA)


Tennessee Valley Authority Hires Energy ‘Superstar’ Bob Balzar - Until This Summer Ran Seattle City Light’s Conservation Program (The Tennessean, Nashville)


Wally’s World - Thirty-Five Years Ago This Week, Wallace Broecker Predicted Decades of Dangerous Climate Change Caused by Humans (Foreign Policy)

UN Panel Says New Taxes Needed for a Climate Fund (USA Today)


Carpooling Down, Even With Green Awareness Up (USA Today)

Oregon Sustainability Center May Score $300,000 from Congress (Oregonian, Portland)

Seattle City Council to Vote on Urban Farming (KIRO-TV, Seattle)

Tully’s Owner Faces Single-Use Eco-Dilemma (Seattle Post-Intelligencer)

Colorado Candidate Warns of Bicycle Plot “…bringing the city under United Nations control by promoting bike riding & other sustainability measures…” (NY Times)


Rural Washington Broadband Effort Gets $40 Million in Fed Funds – Chelan PUD, Okanogan PUD, Hood Canal Telephone & Cascade Networks (Puget Sound Business Journal)

Feds Offer Chelan PUD $25 Million for Fiber - Utility mulls huge grant; $10 million more needed to finish network (Wenatchee World, WA)

Oregon - Federal Program to Expand Columbia County Broadband Access (Longview Daily News, WA)

Warm Springs Reservation Set for High-Speed Upgrade (Oregon Public Radio)

Oregon Nets $17 Million for Broadband Expansion (Portland Business Journal)

Not so Neutral - Google & Verizon near Deal on Pay Tiers for Web (NY Times)

FCC Draws Fire over Talks with Internet, Telecom Giants on ‘Net Neutrality’ (Washington Post)

Did Net Neutrality Just Get Knifed in the Back? (GigaOM)

Google Kills Wave, It’s Collaboration Tool (NY Times)

Montana Accuses North Carolina Company of Running Pyramid Scheme Involving Phone & Internet Services (Associated Press)

Portland, Arcata Look at Cell-Phone Radiation (Bloomberg News)

California - Neighbors Take Wireless Antenna Battle into Their Own Hands (San Jose Mercury News, CA)


Washington State Governor Says Budget Looks Good, for Now (KING-TV, Seattle)

Unions spend to $180,000 to oust Washington State Incumbent Senator Berkey (Everett Herald, WA)

Benton County Limits Internet for County Workers (Associated Press)


Dark-Horse Entrant in Race to Build Air Force Refueling Tankers Files Protest (Washington Post)

Intense Heat Wave Bakes 18 States from Texas to New York (USA Today)

British Columbia - Forest Fires Contributing to Poor Air Quality over Metro Vancouver (Vancouver Sun, BC)


Wife Sees Husband’s 2nd Wedding on Facebook

Snohomish Teen Finds $650 Under Couch Cushions

Dead Man Gets Parking Ticket in Seattle

Man Cited for Hitting Pancake Mascot


The Fifth Dimension – Wedding Bell Blues