Monday, December 31, 2012

Energy News Digest for December 31, 2012

The energy news digest will be relaxing from its New Year’s Eve repast January 1, so no newsy tidbits until Wednesday. Meanwhile, best wishes to all for a most excellent 2013.

All the links in today’s news digest lead to current stories. Please note that some media organizations update their web sites regularly, which may result in broken links in the future.

To subscribe, email


Follow the news digest on Twitter for breaking news & notices:


Hurricane Sandy Alters Utilities’ Calculus on Upgrades “…it is typically far cheaper for the company, & its customers, to skip the prevention measures & just clean up the mess afterward…” (NY Times)

Washington State Representative Wants State to Recognize Hydropower as Renewable Energy Resource (Tri-City Herald, WA)

Record Count - Sockeye Salmon by the Numbers (News Tribune, Tacoma, WA)

Miles of Fish Recovery Fences in Northeastern Oregon Taking Toll on Wildlife, Critics Say (Oregonian, Portland)

Netflix Blames Amazon for Christmas Eve Outage (Reuters)

  • Hurricane Sandy Alters Utilities’ Calculus on Upgrades
  • Op/Ed - SMUD: Tax-Exempt Municipal Bonds Shouldn’t Be in ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Talks
  • Mason County PUD 3’s Mason Substation Rebuild Project continues in Downtown Shelton
  • Cowlitz PUD Employees Give Local Food Banks a Major Boost
  • Avista Warns of Employee Imposters
  • Texas - Drizzle Mixing With Dust Leads to Power Outages across Area
  • Maine - Brookfield Buying 19 Hydroelectric Dams
  • Tennessee Valley Authority Says Nuke Plant is on Schedule
  • Japan’s New Leader Endorses Nuclear Plants
  • U-S Sailors Sue Japanese Utility over Radiation
  • In Brazil, A River Dam Collides with the Past
  • Record Count - Sockeye Salmon by the Numbers
  • Miles of Fish Recovery Fences in Northeastern Oregon Taking Toll on Wildlife, Critics Say
  • Dozens of Birds Killed at Long Beach – Beach Drivers Suspected
  • Fish Stories - Just One Record in Ample Year
  • Scarce Water Fuels Conflict over Future
  • Ireland Has Some Awesome-Looking Water Towers
  • Washington State Representative Wants State to Recognize Hydropower as Renewable Energy Resource
  • Editorial - The Cost of Too Much Wind Rises
  • Op/Ed - Biomass a Good Source of Renewable Energy
  • Vermont Utility Calls for Moratorium on Renewable Energy Mandates
  • North Carolina - Freeze Green-Energy Law, A GOP Leader Says
  • Why Solar Costs More in the U-S than in Germany
  • Greens Fight Power Line from Baja California Wind Farm
  • Great Britain’s Wind Farm Turbines Wear Sooner Than Expected, Says Study
  • 2013: A Tipping Year for Climate Change?
  • Editorial - California’s Climate-Change Experiment
  • Netflix Blames Amazon for Christmas Eve Outage
  • Goliath Vs Goliath...Amazon Takes on Apple & Google
  • FCC Paves the Way for Better In-Flight Broadband
  • Google Fiber is Tech News Site’s Top Story of 2012
  • Congressman Norm Dicks Busy in Last Days of 36-Year Career
  • Headhunters for Hire - Inslee Hires Area Agency to Help Fill Cabinet
  • Internal Review Says Washington State’s 911 Agency Wasted $700,000
  • Nine Die When Bus Plunges Off Icy Oregon Highway
  • Air Quality Concerns; Residents Asked to Reduce Burning
  • Privatizing Liquor in Washington State Hasn’t Brought Price Down
  • Op/Ed - Op-ed: Protect the Olympic Peninsula with the Wild Olympics Wilderness & Wild & Scenic Rivers Act
  • Newspaper on Cape Cod Apologizes for a Veteran Reporter’s Fabrications
  • Approaching Comet May Outshine the Moon


Gustatory • \GUSS-tuh-tore-ee\ • Adjective - Relating to or associated with eating or the sense of taste.

Harvey’s Haggis Hut was all a-tremble with anticipation. The Scottish Highland Games were scheduled over the holidays in Saco, Montana. After the locals’ eschewing of the gustatory delights of the sheep-innards concoction, Harvey was hopeful that the arrival of the hale and hearty Scotsmen (and women) would turn things around…if they had the “stomach” for it. (Sorry about the double pun here)



Hurricane Sandy Alters Utilities’ Calculus on Upgrades “…it is typically far cheaper for the company, & its customers, to skip the prevention measures & just clean up the mess afterward…” (NY Times)

Op/Ed - SMUD: Tax-Exempt Municipal Bonds Shouldn’t Be in ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Talks (Sacramento Bee, CA)

Mason County PUD 3’s Mason Substation Rebuild Project continues in Downtown Shelton (Mason County PUD No. 3)

Cowlitz PUD Employees Give Local Food Banks a Major Boost (Longview Daily News, WA)

Avista Warns of Employee Imposters (Spokesman Review, Spokane, WA)

Texas - Drizzle Mixing With Dust Leads to Power Outages across Area (Austin American-Statesman, TX)

Maine - Brookfield Buying 19 Hydroelectric Dams (Power Engineering)

Tennessee Valley Authority Says Nuke Plant is on Schedule (Electric Co-op Today)

Japan’s New Leader Endorses Nuclear Plants (NY Times)

U-S Sailors Sue Japanese Utility over Radiation (USA Today)

In Brazil, A River Dam Collides with the Past (Los Angeles Times, CA)


Record Count - Sockeye Salmon by the Numbers (News Tribune, Tacoma, WA)

Miles of Fish Recovery Fences in Northeastern Oregon Taking Toll on Wildlife, Critics Say (Oregonian, Portland)

Dozens of Birds Killed at Long Beach – Beach Drivers Suspected (Longview Daily News, WA)

Fish Stories - Just One Record in Ample Year (Spokesman Review, Spokane, WA)


Scarce Water Fuels Conflict over Future (Bloomberg News)

Ireland Has Some Awesome-Looking Water Towers (Gizmodo)


Washington State Representative Wants State to Recognize Hydropower as Renewable Energy Resource (Tri-City Herald, WA)

Editorial - The Cost of Too Much Wind Rises (Wenatchee World, WA)

Op/Ed - Biomass a Good Source of Renewable Energy (Kitsap Peninsula Business Journal, WA)

Vermont Utility Calls for Moratorium on Renewable Energy Mandates (WCAX-TV, Burlington, VT)

North Carolina - Freeze Green-Energy Law, A GOP Leader Says (Charlotte Observer, NC)

Why Solar Costs More in the U-S than in Germany (Mashable)

Greens Fight Power Line from Baja California Wind Farm (Courthouse News Service)

Great Britain’s Wind Farm Turbines Wear Sooner Than Expected, Says Study (The Telegraph, UK)


2013: A Tipping Year for Climate Change? (KPLU Radio, Tacoma, WA)

Editorial - California’s Climate-Change Experiment (Washington Post)


Netflix Blames Amazon for Christmas Eve Outage (Reuters)

Goliath Vs Goliath...Amazon Takes on Apple & Google - Amazon wants to become a fully-fledged tech company up against Google & Apple (The Telegraph, UK)

FCC Paves the Way for Better In-Flight Broadband (Christian Science Monitor)

Google Fiber is Tech News Site’s Top Story of 2012 (Kansas City Business Journal, MO)


Congressman Norm Dicks Busy in Last Days of 36-Year Career (Seattle Times)

Headhunters for Hire - Inslee Hires Area Agency to Help Fill Cabinet (News Tribune, Tacoma, WA)

Internal Review Says Washington State’s 911 Agency Wasted $700,000 (Associated Press)


Nine Die When Bus Plunges Off Icy Oregon Highway (Associated Press)

Air Quality Concerns; Residents Asked to Reduce Burning (Mason Web-TV, Shelton, WA)

Privatizing Liquor in Washington State Hasn’t Brought Price Down (Everett Herald, WA)

Op/Ed - Op-ed: Protect the Olympic Peninsula with the Wild Olympics Wilderness & Wild & Scenic Rivers Act (Seattle Times)

Newspaper on Cape Cod Apologizes for a Veteran Reporter’s Fabrications (NY Times)

Approaching Comet May Outshine the Moon (Reuters)


Calling All Design Geeks - These Pantone Color Swatch Scarves Can Match Anything

Investigating the Anatomy of the Musical Earworm

Man Eats Entire ‘Hobbit’ Menu at Denny’s in 20 Minutes

Lake Superior State’s 38th List of Banished Words


Dj Skeptyk - Colors of the Rainbow

Friday, December 28, 2012

Energy News Digest for December 28, 2012

All the links in today’s news digest lead to current stories. Please note that some media organizations update their web sites regularly, which may result in broken links in the future.

To subscribe, email


Follow the news digest on Twitter for breaking news & notices:


Chelan PUD Storm Cleanup Is in the Millions (Wenatchee World, WA)

Developers of Wind Farms Run a Race against the Calendar (NY Times)

Idaho Power Uses Cloud Seeding to Enhance Winter Snowpack (KUOW Radio, Seattle, WA)

Call Center Companies See Potential in Inland Pacific Northwest (Associated Press)

Developers of Wind Farms Run a Race against the Calendar (NY Times)

  • Chelan PUD Storm Cleanup Is in the Millions
  • Idaho Power Uses Cloud Seeding to Enhance Winter Snowpack
  • Clark Public Utilities Outgoing Commissioner: We Always Put Customers First
  • Southern Company Faces Risks on Mississippi Clean Coal Power Plant
  • Spring Chinook Forecast Almost Half Less of Last Year’s Return in Tributaries Above Bonneville Dam
  • Hood Canal Council Faces Scrutiny from Mason County Commissioners
  • Turning Christmas Trees into Salmon Habitat
  • Oregon - Snapping Turtles Nearly Eradicated From Beaverton’s Koll Center Wetlands
  • Mason County Boil Water Advisory Lifted
  • EPA Chief Resigns: Declared Carbon Dioxide a Pollutant
  • Developers of Wind Farms Run a Race against the Calendar
  • Wind Energy: Boom Sputters as Industry Tax Credit is Set to Expire
  • California - Panel Approves Biomass Project near Truckee
  • Alaska - Biomass Saves Big Bucks to Heat, Power Rural Schools
  • Ocean Energy Contenders Race to Market
  • Carbon Taxes Make Ireland Even Greener
  • GigaOM’s Top Ten Cleantech Posts of 2012
  • Call Center Companies See Potential in Inland Pacific Northwest
  • Our Broadband Coverage Maps Still Stink - Threatening Funding For Under-Connected States
  • North Carolina among States Where Telecom Companies, Legislatures Limit Broadband, Bloomberg Reports
  • Everyone Spent Christmas Day Activating Their Shiny New Gadgets & Downloading Apps
  • Editorial - Norm Dicks: Embodiment of a Better Congress
  • Washington State Lt. Governor Owen to Start Peace Talks in Senate Friday
  • Storm Rakes Half of Nation; Arkansas Still Dark
  • Washington Ending Year with Drier Weather
  • Three Flu Deaths Already Reported in Washington State
  • New Mason County Commissioner Neatherlin Sworn In
  • Public Meetings for Managing Wilderness Areas in Olympic National Park
  • Washington State Fines Insurance Company Aetna $1 Million
  • Washington State’s Minimum Wage Goes Up on New Year’s Day
  • Deep in the Woods, Pot Growing Thrives


Thrall • \thrawl\ • Noun - 1a: a servant slave: bondman; also: serf b : a person in moral or mental servitude 2a: a state of servitude or submission b: a state of complete absorption

Terry Jacks singing
The earworm holds me in thrall
Save me; please help me



Chelan PUD Storm Cleanup Is in the Millions (Wenatchee World, WA)

Idaho Power Uses Cloud Seeding to Enhance Winter Snowpack (KUOW Radio, Seattle, WA)

Clark Public Utilities Outgoing Commissioner: We Always Put Customers First (Vancouver Columbian, WA)

Southern Company Faces Risks on Mississippi Clean Coal Power Plant (Associated Press)


Spring Chinook Forecast Almost Half Less of Last Year’s Return in Tributaries Above Bonneville Dam (Seattle Times)

Hood Canal Council Faces Scrutiny from Mason County Commissioners (Kitsap Sun, Bremerton, WA)

Turning Christmas Trees into Salmon Habitat (Oregon Public Broadcasting)

Oregon - Snapping Turtles Nearly Eradicated From Beaverton’s Koll Center Wetlands (Oregonian, Portland)


Mason County Boil Water Advisory Lifted (KBKW Radio, Aberdeen, WA)

EPA Chief Resigns: Declared Carbon Dioxide a Pollutant (Forbes Magazine)


Developers of Wind Farms Run a Race against the Calendar (NY Times)

Wind Energy: Boom Sputters as Industry Tax Credit is Set to Expire (Christian Science Monitor)

California - Panel Approves Biomass Project near Truckee (Sacramento Bee, CA)

Alaska - Biomass Saves Big Bucks to Heat, Power Rural Schools (Alaska Journal of Commerce)

Ocean Energy Contenders Race to Market (Renewable Energy World)


Carbon Taxes Make Ireland Even Greener (NY Times)


GigaOM’s Top Ten Cleantech Posts of 2012 (GigaOM)


Call Center Companies See Potential in Inland Pacific Northwest (Associated Press)

Our Broadband Coverage Maps Still Stink - Threatening Funding For Under-Connected States (Broadband Reports)

North Carolina among States Where Telecom Companies, Legislatures Limit Broadband, Bloomberg Reports (Mountain Express, Ashville, NC)

Everyone Spent Christmas Day Activating Their Shiny New Gadgets & Downloading Apps (Consumerist)


Editorial - Norm Dicks: Embodiment of a Better Congress - To understand what Washington will lose when Norm Dicks leaves Congress five days from now, you have to meet the man (News Tribune, Tacoma, WA)

Washington State Lt. Governor Owen to Start Peace Talks in Senate Friday (Olympian, WA)


Storm Rakes Half of Nation; Arkansas Still Dark (Associated Press)

Washington Ending Year with Drier Weather (KIRO Broadcasting, Seattle)

Three Flu Deaths Already Reported in Washington State (Associated Press)

New Mason County Commissioner Neatherlin Sworn In (Mason Web TV, Shelton, WA)

Public Meetings for Managing Wilderness Areas in Olympic National Park (KMAS Radio, Shelton, WA)

Washington State Fines Insurance Company Aetna $1 Million (Associated Press)

Washington State’s Minimum Wage Goes Up on New Year’s Day (Seattle Post-Intelligencer)

Deep in the Woods, Pot Growing Thrives (USA Today)


So, You Find Certain Words Annoying? Whatever

Mason Now Top Boy Name in Washington; Sophia Still Tops for Girls

Wild Dolphins Giving Gifts to Humans is a Real Thing That Happens

Judge Orders Parents Away from Daughter - To her, Mom & Dad are stalkers who tracked calls & keystrokes


The Bee Gees – Words

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Energy News Digest for December 27, 2012

All the links in today’s news digest lead to current stories. Please note that some media organizations update their web sites regularly, which may result in broken links in the future.

To subscribe, email


Follow the news digest on Twitter for breaking news & notices:


Pacific Northwest Snowfall Eases Drought Concerns ... For Now (Yakima Herald-Republic, WA)

Climate Change Could Cut Western Water Runoff by Ten Percent (Los Angeles Times, CA)

Avista Electricity & Natural Gas Rate Hikes Approved for Next Two Years (Spokesman Review, Spokane, WA)

Idaho Supreme Court sides with PacifiCorp in Tax Fight (Associated Press)

Rules Trap Former Pacific Power Customers in Catch 22 (Walla Walla Union Bulletin, WA)

  • Avista Electricity & Natural Gas Rate Hikes Approved for Next Two Years
  • Idaho Supreme Court sides with PacifiCorp in Tax Fight
  • Rules Trap Former Pacific Power Customers in Catch 22
  • Report Says Downed Puget Sound Energy Power Line Caused Pinehurst Home Explosion
  • Highway 2 Open, Lake Wenatchee & Plain Power Mostly Restored
  • Columbia River PUD Board Approves 2013 Budget
  • Mason County PUD 3 Commissioner Bruce Jorgenson Sworn in for Fourth Term
  • Emerald PUD Selects Kevin Parrish for Board Vacancy
  • Ashton Reservoir - East Idaho Dam Set to Reopen After Work Project
  • Ailing California Nuclear Power Plant Faces Questions on Restart
  • New York - Con Ed Considers Flying Drones for Future Disaster Response
  • Pepco’s Smart Meter Installation behind Schedule
  • Marriage Leads to Demotion for Nashville Electric Service Utility Worker
  • High Energy Costs Plaguing Europe
  • Iran Media Report New Cyberattack by Stuxnet Worm – Targets Power Plant
  • New Colville Tribal Hatchery to Boost Columbia Fish Production Starting this Spring
  • Pacific Northwest Snowfall Eases Drought Concerns ... For Now
  • EPA Administrator Jackson Announces Resignation
  • British Columbia Offshore Wind Signs Up Siemens, and Hopes
  • 2013: A Cloudy Forecast for Renewable Energy, With a Silver Lining
  • North Carolina - Power Company Wants to Pay Less for Solar Energy
  • Christmas Trees Will Be Recycled to Create Electricity for California Residents
  • New York City’s Law Tracking Energy Use Yields Some Surprises
  • Climate Change Could Cut Western Water Runoff by Ten Percent
  • California Law Tests Company Responses to Carbon Costs
  • Who’s Killing the Electric Car? Consumers
  • Rules Urge Bigger Hybrid, Electric Car Signage to Protecting Firefighters, Tow-Truck Drivers
  • Why Are U-S Firms Going ‘Green’: CEOs or Customers?
  • ‘The Cloud’ Challenges Amazon
  • Why Your Computer is Getting Cheaper but Your Broadband Bill Isn’t
  • Owen to Broker Deal - Washington State’s Lieutenant Governor Plans Meeting Friday with Senate Dems, New Majority Coalition
  • Eyman Readies Washington State I-517, Adding Six Months to Get Signatures
  • Pacific Council Strikes Last-Minute Deal to Save City
  • Early Snow Lays Thick Snowpack for Pacific NW Ski Resorts
  • Mason County Unemployment Up
  • Japan Tsunami’s Floating Debris to Keep Hitting the Pacific Coast This
  • Oak Tree Restaurant & Casino Abruptly Closes - Struggling Business Promises to Reopen


Mise-en-scène • \meez-awn-SENN\ • noun - 1a: the arrangement of actors and scenery on a stage for a theatrical production b: stage setting 2a: the physical setting of an action (as of a narrative or a motion picture): context b: environment, milieu

The utility’s accounting department had the misfortune to work for a supervisor whose hobbies included improv theater…based on “Star Trek’s” Klingon mythology. To the staff’s immense displeasure, the last day of each work week had been converted from casual Friday to the Klingon ritual “Rite of passage.”

At the start of each Friday, along employees dressing in costume, the board room was converted into a mise-en-scène of Klingon finery. Each employee, from the mail boy to the head accountant was required to chant “Today I am a Warrior. I must show you my heart. I travel the river of blood.” Thankfully, members of the gauntlet used rolled up newspapers to whack the participants as they fled the room, instead of traditional Klingon painsticks.

(I am ashamed I know even THIS much about Klingons)



Avista Electricity & Natural Gas Rate Hikes Approved for Next Two Years (Spokesman Review, Spokane, WA)

Idaho Supreme Court sides with PacifiCorp in Tax Fight (Associated Press)

Rules Trap Former Pacific Power Customers in Catch 22 (Walla Walla Union Bulletin, WA)

Report Says Downed Puget Sound Energy Power Line Caused Pinehurst Home Explosion (KOMO-TV, Seattle)

Highway 2 Open, Lake Wenatchee & Plain Power Mostly Restored (Wenatchee World, WA)

Columbia River PUD Board Approves 2013 Budget (Coast River Business Journal, Astoria, OR)

Mason County PUD 3 Commissioner Bruce Jorgenson Sworn in for Fourth Term (Mason County PUD No. 3)

Emerald PUD Selects Kevin Parrish for Board Vacancy (Eugene Register-Guard, OR)

Ashton Reservoir - East Idaho Dam Set to Reopen After Work Project (Associated Press)

Ailing California Nuclear Power Plant Faces Questions on Restart (Associated Press)

New York - Con Ed Considers Flying Drones for Future Disaster Response (New York Business Journal)

Pepco’s Smart Meter Installation behind Schedule (Washington, D-C Business Journal)

Marriage Leads to Demotion for Nashville Electric Service Utility Worker (USA Today)

High Energy Costs Plaguing Europe (NY Times)

Iran Media Report New Cyberattack by Stuxnet Worm – Targets Power Plant (Associated Press)


New Colville Tribal Hatchery to Boost Columbia Fish Production Starting this Spring (Seattle Times)


Pacific Northwest Snowfall Eases Drought Concerns ... For Now (Yakima Herald-Republic, WA)

EPA Administrator Jackson Announces Resignation (Associated Press)


British Columbia Offshore Wind Signs Up Siemens, and Hopes (The Energy Collective)

2013: A Cloudy Forecast for Renewable Energy, With a Silver Lining (TIME Magazine)

North Carolina - Power Company Wants to Pay Less for Solar Energy (Seattle Post-Intelligencer)

Christmas Trees Will Be Recycled to Create Electricity for California Residents (KSBY-TV, San Luis Obispo, CA)


New York City’s Law Tracking Energy Use Yields Some Surprises (NY Times)


Climate Change Could Cut Western Water Runoff by Ten Percent (Los Angeles Times, CA)

California Law Tests Company Responses to Carbon Costs (NY Times)


Who’s Killing the Electric Car? Consumers (Christian Science Monitor)

Rules Urge Bigger Hybrid, Electric Car Signage to Protecting Firefighters, Tow-Truck Drivers (USA Today)

Why Are U-S Firms Going ‘Green’: CEOs or Customers? (Christian Science Monitor)


‘The Cloud’ Challenges Amazon (NY Times)

Why Your Computer is Getting Cheaper but Your Broadband Bill Isn’t (Gigaom)


Owen to Broker Deal - Washington State’s Lieutenant Governor Plans Meeting Friday with Senate Dems, New Majority Coalition (Washington State Wire)

Eyman Readies Washington State I-517, Adding Six Months to Get Signatures (Olympian, WA)

Pacific Council Strikes Last-Minute Deal to Save City (KOMO-TV, Seattle)


Early Snow Lays Thick Snowpack for Pacific NW Ski Resorts (Associated Press)

Mason County Unemployment Up (Mason Web TV, Shelton, WA)

Japan Tsunami’s Floating Debris to Keep Hitting the Pacific Coast This Winter (Gizmodo)

Oak Tree Restaurant & Casino Abruptly Closes - Struggling Business Promises to Reopen (Vancouver Columbian, WA)


Pizza-Flavored Beer - They’re Not Selling Just a Garden Variety Brew

World’s Largest Gluten-Free Pizza Weighs 50,000 Pounds

City Government Busts Old-Timey Soda Fountain for Selling Old-Timey Candy Cigarettes

Southern California Couple Unlawfully Wedded for 48 Years


Dean Martin - That's Amore